The solution is VERY simple. have the models available to ORDER for a reasonable period of time. obviously i'm overlooking the technical production aspects of all this BUT if busse/swamp/scrap make the models available to order anytime then we will NOT see these insanely high secondary market prices.

i'm NOT saying to have them IN STOCK because that may be impossible BUT to be available to ORDER. even if i have to wait 6-12 months, i'd like the ability to order one at the MSRP and wait. If i wanted it right away then i can buy from the secondary market BUT that puts the ball in MY court. I make the decision to wait or to spend more and not wait. with the current system, if i want a GW i will have to pay 50-100 over MSRP. unfortunately i have a job and one that doesn't include going to the BCS on company time either...

it's no wonder that the models with the least markup are the ones that were available to order or were preorder items. if you missed the boat on those then well nothing you can do about it except pay more if you really want it. example of these are the now "rare" SFNO, AD, LMS, etc. the point is that it's a matter of wrong place wrong time, NOT a matter of somebody buying 35 GW's and you with not even 1....

BUT herein lies the problem. it seems busse WANTS high secondary market prices. many a time has jerry himself mentioned that high secondary market prices are a perk to owning a busse. the "buy it, use it, sell it at cost or even more" mentality DRIVES the secondary prices UP. i'm not trying to step on anyone's toes here but this is the way i see it. change occurs from the TOP. look at the Scrapper6, M6 and HR LM secondary market prices...LOW!!! why? because you can still get them or at least more are slated to come. this is a welcome change in scenery!!! the same cannot be said about the GW. they are sparingly available and when available, are ripe for the resellers to pick... i still don't understand why the GW was never a production item. they have certainly made enough to sell to everybody. instead it has turned into THE example of how messed up the BCS system is... it's like an extravaganza everyday.

at what point does this turn from a "devastating the trough" joke into the company turning a blind eye to it's customers??? has it already done so???

end rant