Hahaha I'm glad I've cultivated the same ninja rep...

As for the links that mac. posted, I'm a huge fan of TAD gear...except for the price. Too much $$$$ for a guy like me. Thats not to say they're not worth the money-- far from it. My only problem with the ranger hoodie, though I love the design, is that fleece attracts dirt, burrs, and other debris like none other! Since my playground up in southern Washington ("the gorge") is covered in burrs, fleece is not an option. I do need a new softshell rather badly though. A cheaper alternative is this one


and its actually waterproof.. though, not as nice or cool, and only available in black, navy, and tan

I don't know, I just love the culture at TAD gear, it fits me perfectly: Technical outdoors gear, with a slight tactical aura

Have you hugged your camp knife today?