And to assert that the 30.06 is going to give away your presence any MORE than the .308 is simply untrue. The .308 my dad has hunted wit for years is every bit as loud as the 30.06 his brother and myself hunt with.
True, however that is not what I was trying to say. I see however that such was how it was understood so my bad for not being clear. At first I was trying to say that any.30 cal would be far too much for various reasons (hence my suggestion for the .22 at the end <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> ).
I guess what I am saying re: .30-06 vs. .308 is this. On paper, sure a .30-06 has the potential to be a modicum more potent than a .308. But in real life (i.e. the topic at hand), you will simply not see the positive difference (unless MAYBE if you are pushing the limits hunting grizz or moose, but the chances that such will be happening in a survival situation, let alone one in TN or KY, are beyond slim).
So I guess my point w/ .30-06 vs. .308 is this, have you ever killed something w/ a .30-06 that you are pretty sure you wouldn’t have been able to kill w/ a .308? Or perhaps more importantly, have you or your father ever shot something with a .308 that didn’t drop (with proper shot placement ect) that you are pretty sure would have been down should you have been using a .30-06 (with similar bullet weight ect)?
On the other hand, things like size, weight, and rifle dynamics are something that you WILL see a difference with every single time you shoot or carry your rifle or ammo. Again, I think the .30-06 is a great big game hunting round (I gots one!), just not the best option...but thank God we live in America there are options for everyone!