I like that revolver Sumo but not the msrp. price. looks like it will street for around the same as or close to the semi autos. 10 in a magazine vs. 10 in a cylinder? I think mag... I would like to handle one though.

Didn't know Ruger was making 25 round mags now... http://www.ruger.com/micros/BX-25/index.html?r=y

Only have a couple steel lips but plan to pick up a few more. I thought about the aluminum mags that seem to get pretty high marks. Think it's Tactical Solutions maybe?... I maybe would prefer the clear/smoke plastic though. I like that you can take them apart but so far I've had no need for that. May snag one if I ever see it in a store somewhere and if the price is simlar to the BC steel lips. But factory labeled usually comes with a higher price. Would be cool if they start shipping these with a few models!

JYD #82 yup...