Horn Dog: There actually is an explanation for the young white male thing.

There is a genetic defect which turn people hyper violent and psychotic, which is triggered by certain anti-depressive medicines.

Guess who most commonly have this genetic variance? Yup, caucasian males.

Most of the kids who have gone nuts this way have been on the same meds for the same things.

Did you also know that in order to have a drug green lighted by the FDA for public sales, you just have to show a study that you did on your own drug that shows its safe? Yup, again, no third parties need to actually show that a drug is safe. Your first trials fail? Just keep doing studies until you can show one that says its safe.

Lets take a long, hard look at the FDA and big pharmaceutical businesses. People think the NRA is a powerful lobby, they have -nothing- on the legal drug business.

I have noticed that in past years nearly every student my kids knew was on some kind of medication for some kind of "learning disability". I refused to let them drug up my lively girls. We may indeed have some kind of drug induced craziness going on here. I'm afraid Big Pharma may have more clout than the NRA. Maybe they will just diagnose us all as too crazy to own firearms. Then we can all be unarmed, undangerous, and on our medication.

Horned, dangerous, and off my medication.