The recent tragedy is certainly cause for reflection and search for solutions and answers to try to prevent such horrors in the future. I believe that no matter how many laws that are passed, especially ones that are hastily done in the heat of an emotional time, you will never stop all evil people from doing evil acts.

I believe that it is shameless for the political and media elites to immediately jump on these tragedies to further an anti gun agenda. It is also the pinnacle of hypocrisy when most of these same elites are themselves and their children, protected from these same weapons they rail against. I guess it's ok for them to have protection as long as they don't have to do it themselves but us "commoners" cannot be trusted with our own security. Why it would be "The Wild Wild West" all over again. It doesn't matter that the facts show that the most gun violence in our country occurs where the gun laws are the most restrictive, and in so called "Gun Free Zones". Most criminals and crazies are not stupid.

In my opinion a GFZ is an invitation for mentally deranged cowards to try to get their moment of fame and glory and do the most damage before being confronted. Is it just a coincidence that most of the recent tragedies have occurred in these GFZ's. It's interesting that many of these cowards actually shoot themselves at the moment when they realize they are about to be confronted with return fire.

I believe that the media also needs to stop identifying these crazies by name. If the people with these possible tendencies know that they will not get the fame or recognition to go out in a blaze of glory so to speak, then they may not be so likely to go off.

Here's a long but interesting article on the subject also