1st is was Aurora, CO, then OR mall, then CT. All shooters young white males. All with some kind of mental health treatments. All used AR-15s (at first they said he used pistols and found the AR-15 in his car, but now they say he used the AR-15.) I guess that fits the narrative better. Something strange is happening here.

And yes, I prayed to tears for those innocent victims and their families. But I am disgusted by the media gun grabbers exploiting this horror for their own agenda. It's a horror show.

I strongly agree; it's a tragedy, but wiping out the bill of rights isn't the answer.

We either all stand tall or we will pay the cost by losing our freedoms. Our elected politicians need to remember who they work for. Please take the time and call, email or write a letter to your member in congress or the senate. I’m not interested in the prospect of some moron telling me what I can own and can’t own.

History, in general, only informs us of what bad government is. (Thomas Jefferson)