Guys I think he was referring to the stylized choil. It is more pronounced and of a unique shape that is not the "norm" in most knife designs. Personally I like it but others may not. I've found the large choil to be refreshing as I have large hands (size 14 ring finger XXL Glove size) and my fingers tend to be too large for the average sized choil. My only ding for my 911 is that I would like a handle about .5" longer so my fingers have a bit more space. Right now the standard grip just fits my hand with my fingers feeling a hair squished together. The resiprene handle is fit awesomely and the material feels really good in the hand and I love the slightly forward balance of the blade. I can already feel that this thing is going to cut way above its weight class. I'm figuring a bit of sandpaper and elbow grease and I should be able to buy myself a bit of extra room on the handle to give my fingers a little wiggle room. I love this knife. Now I just have to put a good edge on it. It has a decent utility edge on it, but I'm going to try to refine it a bit. Buying this knife is a decision I do not regret. I consider the 911 to be the Glock of knives. It is a stout well designed tool that you can bet your life on, and that wont break the bank. Thank you very much for providing this awesome value Mr. Busse.
