Randy, for an actual bug-out situation don't overlook plenty of water and easy to prepare food, and cooking tools with utensils. An easy to set up shelter (tent) and a couple of blankets will go a long way for comfort, along with fire-making supplies. For weapons, a shotgun, AR-15 and pistol of your choice would be good if you are bugging out in your vehicles and not trying to carry everything in a couple of packs. The packs and bins of supplies would be alright carried in vehicles.

I just returned from Walmart and they have removed all guns and ammo from the floor due to concerns of possible violence. So far we have been lucky around here, and I hope that it stays peaceful. Here in the boonies EVERYBODY has at least a deer rifle and shotgun and wouldn't hesitate to use them to protect their families and property. Much like the sixties, this is a sad time for America. frown

Junk Yard Dog #1
Moderator/Leader of the Pack
Good night Mrs. B, wherever you are!
Long Live the Brotherhood of the Yard!