I took Sallie for a walk to the graveyard near my house. I came across this huge limb that had fallen on a couple 100-150+ year old graves. I thought it was sad that they didn't have any descendants that visited to clear it. I thought their graves looked unloved and forgotten.

I had my Chopweiler with me, so I decided to clear what brush I could, since no one else it seemed cared to.

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Sallie decided to help…
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Sallie helping…
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Not perfect, but better than it was. I would need a chainsaw or something to get the rest. Several hours later now, my arms are still sore from all the chopping.
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That’s my house you see in the background in the center.
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View of the entrance to the graveyard. Where I was chopping was to the right off the frame.
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View up the hill at the graveyard. After chopping I headed up the hill and fixed a few American flags that had fallen into the mud. The ground was pretty frozen, so it was hard to do.
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Frozen creek.
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View of the edge after all that choppin'. Not bad. A few strops on a ceramic stick and it was razor sharp again.

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JYD #4