Next up was the DFLE. This has been a favorite of mine since I got it. It served me well in the Altamaha, slashing through brush and chopping fallen limbs from my path. It can chop and slash. It cut these brances clean, and felt faster and easier to me than the BWM.
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Then it was the ESEE Junglas. The Junglas excells at this, as one might expect.
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The Junglas was the best slasher so far. And it can chop, too. But at 22 oz, I'd still take the DFLE over it for extended use. 17 oz is much lighter to swing and carry.
But then came a little surprise for me. This Browning, which is a so-so chopper but a brush slashing demon!
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Swish! Look how clean it cuts standing palmetto leaves. This thing has great balance and feel.
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Next up was the Swamp Rat M9LE. I love this knife! Talk about lively in the hand. It was very very close to the Browning in slashing performance.
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I am surprised that this 9" blade is so competitive with the longer ones. This is a great bowie.
Finally, my Ranger RD9. With its flat grind, this knife is fast, too.
The Ranger can hold its own, for sure.