Now Vic, you don't ACTUALLY think we believe you stabbed that Browning through the tree do ya?

Ok, so at first glance I thought you had batoned the knife in it. Then I actually looked at the pic.

I've got the BK&T mangnum camp, it's not bad, but I wish it had more weight toward the front of the blade.

The split in the tree was already there. Just messing around. But the Browning is a fine slasher for brush and palmettos. The big Junglas is bulky and makes me look like some DEA agent or something. The Browning has a sheath that I can tuck into my waistband and be hidden under my vest, so it sees a lot more use than my others when walking trails that "normal" hikers use. Down in the swamps, I prefer a swing sheath, so I carry the BWM with the Rainwalker swing sheath, Ontario Survival Bowie or sometimes my modified Western Bowie. I finally let my coveted DFLE go. The M9LE took its place. My fully convexed BWM now rides in the swing sheath Jeff made for the DFLE. Most areas I trek in are easy walking, with only occasional thick areas. If it was all thick, I'd just strap on a machete and be done with it. Nothing works better.

Last edited by Horn Dog; 08/29/11 07:32 PM.

Horned, dangerous, and off my medication.