Ok, so what, if anything, does it all mean? Not much, really. It means I prefer fast handling big blades for bush slashing. Why do I like the Junglas better than the Bushwacker for slashing brush? It all has to do with balance.

[Linked Image from i173.photobucket.com]
[Linked Image from i173.photobucket.com]
The Junglas balances right at the blade/handle junction, while the BWM is slightly more blade heavy. Of course, in chopping wood, that blade heavy feel is an advantage.

And wouldn't you know it? That fast handling M9LE balances more like the Junglas. Same for the RD9.
[Linked Image from i173.photobucket.com]
So here is how I rated these fine knives today for ease of use when bushwacking. Top to bottom. But don't fret if your favorite isn't on top. They all work just fine. These are just my subjective prefences for this task only.
[Linked Image from i173.photobucket.com]
It's been a good afternoon.

[Linked Image from i173.photobucket.com]

Horned, dangerous, and off my medication.