MMmmmmmm - Most Benchtop grinding "Wheels" and Angle grinders spin at Extreme high speeds often around 10,000 RPM and sometimes faster.

These speeds heat up blades VERY hot and VERY fast which can and will do damage to the temper pretty fast.

..... unless you have some sort of "Specialty" slow-grind wheel or similar.

But, most common Hardware store Bench Wheel Grinders or Angle Grinders are "High Speed" and VERY BAD for quality hardened steel blades

I am sorry to say, but there is a high probability you have done damage to the temper.

It is possible to grind on those tools without damaging temper, but it is hard to do and the results tend to be "Butchered" blades.

There is a reason why knife-makers use belt sander/grinders rather than Benchtop "Wheel" grinders. Belt sander/grinders use MUCH slower speeds and while they can create extreme heat, it is much easier to control.

I can't be for certain you damaged the temper. If you only lightly and for VERY short contact periods ground the blade and quickly dunked in water, "Maybe" you are O.K.

If you did damage the blade, "Maybe" you only damaged the edge and further "proper" grinding could remove the damaged areas.... But, I don't know how to advise on how to know if damaged and/or how badly damaged and/or what the best solution might be. You might need to contact the HIGHER end experts like "DAN" to see if he can advise.

I used to use a Benchtop grinder to sharpen my yard tools and machetes. The steel could/would glow red within 2-6 seconds!!!!!

I have to believe glowing bright red is reaching temperatures that could damage most heat treatments - at least near the edge.

I hope you did not damage your SOD.

You might have to check with Dan, but if that knife fails after using on that type of grinder, you may have voided the warranty (??????) - Again.... you might want to contact Dan for his advise.

Seriously, I am posting this with hope others WON'T try grinding on your knives with a high speed Benchtop wheel grinder or angle grinder.



JYD #39 I prefer "SATIN" blades!!!