I have been wanting to try the Condors. How are the Marbles? I hear they are pretty good too. differentially treated 101 would be awesome (but I would be fine with SR-77)....What size would you prefer HD?

I'd like one about 14" to 15" in blade length. In the longer machetes that I use for clearing, I have yet to find any better than the 18" and 22" Tramontinas. They are light enough to swing all day. Never tried the Marbles. For a heavy chopping machete, the Cold Steel Panga is a beast. The Condor bolo is another good one.

Martindale Latin style 24" or longer is the best sold today...Tramontina a close second.... the best ever.... Illegitimus Collins made in South America years ago... less than 24" is not an efficient machete for clearing work... and anyone that brings up a Barteaux... has never really used a machete.... pure Junk...been there... got the T-shirt... and the scars...

Florida Surveyor

JYD #129 You should meet my JYD Brother of the Clock... Sar5....