The Machete...is a fairly specialize tool...not everyone uses one daily..ecpt DocSavage....but it is a Valuable tool ,like the rest of the blades we buy. Everyone of them have a purpose. My CS Bolo is holding up well , my Ontario is heavier than need be...but a Scrapyard Machete would become a world class bushcutter....DEA , DoD and every surveyor I know would sign up for one....IF the price is right...

I don't use one everyday anymore... My crews do, and I always get feedback from them as to what works the best for them.... I want them to have whatever makes their job easier... I realize that there are different applications for each style of machete, and those that created that style and use them are the experts for their usage... I just like throwing things out to get discussions started...sometimes arguments...friendly arguments I hope... I would love to have a SY machete... regardless of the blade length... Heck, I want a WAKI..just can't hack the price (pun intended)... I love steel...blades of all sorts.... I don't know that a custom machete will ever make it into a surveyor's hands for everyday use with the low cost of very good blades already out there...but the steel purist, or blade freak, like me, would love to have one..or more....I am chomping at the bit to get the S5's I ordered... and I would love a Scrap Muk... I was still lurking when they were being offered..and just didn't pull the trigger...my loss....I think a SY machete, whatever the length and style would be great...and if the price was something I could hack (pun intended)... I would get one or two...or...

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JYD #129 You should meet my JYD Brother of the Clock... Sar5....