Hi Dogs! I'm patiently waiting for the Reg / De-Reg Release...thought I'd join in the chat. Drinking a little red wine from the Texas Hill Country tonight...from my favorite little place called Grape Creek Wineries. Anyhow, a story...

Two years ago this May, my father and I went on a road trip to Venice, Louisiana to go catch some Redfish. It's a good 6 hours from Austin, but it allowed us plenty of time to enjoy that father-son bond. Spent two days fishing, limited by 10am both days!!! Found a nice little restaurant locally that allowed us to bring in our fresh cut, never frozen fillets and saute them up cajun style...good eats! Probably the best darn meal I've ever had, and the company was good to boot. I have picture sitting on my desk of my dad holding up a nice 25'ish pounder...ahh, the memories. Well, the good news is we're going back this May! Hopefully I can get some picks of the DMCG getting a workout.

If you do not have a road trip story the let me know what the last knife action you had such as a I chopped a house in half with a dog father...oh sorry that was one of my dreams

Funny note...I was demoing the bathroom today, and broke out the Boss Street to pry some stubborn drywall away from the tub that needed to get yanked. This statement just reminded me, and I don't have pics as it was one of those "don't look at me wrong, don't laugh or you'll be sorry" kind of moments. Hah!

Hmmm...might have to go grab some Maker's.

Thanks for the stories!


JYD #121
The chief cause of unhappiness and failure is trading what you want most in life for what you want at the moment.