G'night Dan.

Dogs...I have a knife newbie question for ya. I recently overbought a few knives of similar sizing, and realized I would never use them. I'm not much for collecting, and that goes for most of the things in my life. I like to use things...if it doesnt get used, it must mean there's no use for it (my personal philosophy). That being said, I have a DMCG that is off to MashedCat for a new drop-leg sheath...and I also have a DMLE. But, I can't figure out why I'd ever use the DMLE!!! Maybe to cut steaks in the kitchen? It's a nice knife...and it feels good in the hand...and it's purdy.

So, the question....how do you determine which knives to keep or use? Do you have a different philosophy regarding keeping certain knives that you don't use or don't plan to use...aesthetics, collecting, investment? What say you?


JYD #121
The chief cause of unhappiness and failure is trading what you want most in life for what you want at the moment.