Thanks guys...very level-headed thinking...even though we're "sippin" <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

One always in the car/truck, one in a BOB, one in the house

I hear ya! The one thing I love about the DM, is the size. I can't really get in trouble with it here in Texas (ie: it has less than a 5.5" blade). I can darn near carry it anywhere without concern for a misdemeanor, which is why I fully plan to stockpile a few DMCG's.

My wife loves the DMLE, as do I. I just can't bring myself to cut anything with it <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> Maybe if I find a user DMLE or DMDC, then I can take that with me and test it out. Ohhh, the drama in my little head...back and forth...the vodka isn't helping anything! Oooops...cat's out of the bag, I've moved on the White Russians!

No worries, I've been drinkin for about near 3 hours now, I have found that stain finishes clean up easier than coated blades, I was outside today, chopping into a palm tree with my DFLE, after wiping it down, couldn't tell it was used

JYD#107/JorDog. BAD WOLF