G'night Dan.

Dogs...I have a knife newbie question for ya. I recently overbought a few knives of similar sizing, and realized I would never use them. I'm not much for collecting, and that goes for most of the things in my life. I like to use things...if it doesnt get used, it must mean there's no use for it (my personal philosophy). That being said, I have a DMCG that is off to MashedCat for a new drop-leg sheath...and I also have a DMLE. But, I can't figure out why I'd ever use the DMLE!!! Maybe to cut steaks in the kitchen? It's a nice knife...and it feels good in the hand...and it's purdy.

So, the question....how do you determine which knives to keep or use? Do you have a different philosophy regarding keeping certain knives that you don't use or don't plan to use...aesthetics, collecting, investment? What say you?


Keep the ones you keep leaning towards the most.


USMC 1997-2002. 6173 CH-53D Sea Stallion Helicopter Crew Chief and Flightline Mechanic. Semper Fi!

"Be still, Taggart!"