I got 5 water proof "Capsules" ALMOST as big as a 35mm film canister for a dollar each for assorted meds. These will be marked with a Magic marker. I also got some OTC meds to go in them. I've got to much stuff in my IFAK and need to trim it down just a touch. Hum... Maybe what I need to do is turn the Butt pack I got from Arch into a more extensive FAK and JUST have the basic "Boo boo" items in my IFAK. That way I could have the items that might be affected by the cold/heat in the IFAK and take them in and out of the house to the truck whenever we go somewhere and leave the Butt pack in the truck all the time.
If you’re not Paranoid, You’re not paying attention Be a Sheepdog JYD#105