Dont' think I have posted this yet, and it's something I found.

Military Poncho, I haven't seen since 1968! YUP, it's the old style heavy ones where the seams are sealed with rubber and it has cord along the bottom of the front and back sides. What a find! Last time I saw (and used it) was when I went to Philmont Scout Ranch outside Cimarron New Mexico.

If I remember, we had to carry a certain percentage (Pack weight) of our body weight. My total pack weight was 40 pounds and I was 14.

We did 10 days out on the trail covering a total of 100 miles. It was some of the most beautiful country I have ever seen.

If any of you have kids old enough to go there, and can afford it and they like the outdoors, do your best to let/send them if they want to go. It is an experience they will remember the rest of their lives.

Last edited by SkunkHunter; 06/01/13 07:24 AM.

If you’re not Paranoid, You’re
not paying attention

Be a Sheepdog