I've heard a lot of negative feedback from LC9 owners online. I, however, take that gossip with a grain of salt unless I've "known" the contributor for a goodly while. For example, if Tom (Private Klink) said his XYZ was a total peice of junk - I'd believe him. However, if someone with 4 posts said it - I'd listen but would reserve judgment.
I chose the CM9 for a few reasons:
1) I fell into a trade deal that only cost me $220 cash out of pocket (the rest was paid in trade goods).
2) Kahr has a very good reputation. They make a quality product.
3) I prefer stainless for "pocket carry" or "ankle carry" guns - guns that tend to get treated poorly.
4) Kahr's have great triggers.
Kahr products are not without fault:
A) The front sight is staked on and PLASTIC! I will replace it with a steel night sight.
B) You have to shoot 200rds through them before they will function reliably. YMMV.
C) Mags are expensive at $30 each.
D) You have to replace the recoil spring every 1000rds. I think this is a very short service life.
JYD #123 The great one formerly known as Architect.
I am now a fictional British television police officer (currently a Detective Sgt) at Thames Valley Station. My governor is Detective Inspector Fred Thursday and it’s 1969.