Ok Dogs, as my work week begins here are the stats.

The Outdoors and Fieldcraft section is now at 27,682 posts, up from Sunday mornings 27,665 for a 17 post increase.

The Knives Forum section is now at 654,657 posts, up from Sunday's 654,182 giving us a 475 post increase.

The WZDC page count is now at 1709 pages, up from Sundays 1699 giving a 10 page increase.

The TOTAL Website page count is now at 687,073 posts, up from Sunday mornings 686,580 yielding a 493 post increase.

Well Now that means we still need another 62,927 more posts to get to the 750,000 post goal.

If you’re not Paranoid, You’re
not paying attention

Be a Sheepdog