On this cold Christmas morning I give to you the stats.

Outdoors and Fieldcraft section is at 30,455 posts, no change from Sunday morning.

The Knives Forum Section is at 739,047 posts, up from Sunday mornings 737,965, giving us a 1082 post increase.

The S4 Death Chat page count is now at 386 pages, up from Sundays 370, giving us a 16 page increase.

The Friendly Chat thread post count is now at 754 pages, up from Sundays 734 giving us a 20 page increase.

The Run For The Porch thread is now at 1409 pages, up from 1403 giving us a 6 page increase.

The TOTAL Forum post count is now at 824,467 posts, up from Sundays 823,384 giving us a 1083 post increase.

So now, with just 6 days remaining in the year we now need 175,533 more posts to reach our One Million Post Goal.

Dogs, If we try REAL HARD, we can reach one million posts by December 31 2014. We only need to get 14,628 posts per month.

Last edited by SkunkHunter; 12/26/13 08:56 AM.

If you’re not Paranoid, You’re
not paying attention

Be a Sheepdog