Alright Dogs, as we reach yet another milestone, lets get on with the Updates!
The Outdoors and Fieldcraft section is now at 28,286 posts, up from Sunday mornings 28,277 for a 9 post increase.
The Knives Forum section is now at 668,792 posts, up from Sundays 668,136 giving us a 656 post increase. Wow, that's more than 200 posts a day. Not to bad as of late.
The WZDC page count is at 2133 pages, up from Sundays 2115 giving a 18 page increase.
The TOTAL Forum post count is now at 752,000 posts! Yup it is up from Sunday mornings count of 751,334 giving us a 666 post increase. Oh this will never work. Let's make the TOTAL 752,001 for a 667 post increase.
OK, now the total post count is at 752,001 giving us a 667 post increase since Sunday morning.
Last edited by SkunkHunter; 04/25/1306:45 AM.
If you’re not Paranoid, You’re not paying attention Be a Sheepdog JYD#105