On this "Superstitious" day, Friday the 13th, I bring you the statistics.
The Outdoors and Fieldcraft section is now at 29,730 posts, up from yesterdays 29,662 giving us a 68 post increase.
The Knives Forum section is now at 706,701 posts, up from yesterdays 706,609 giving us an 92 post increase.
The WZDC page count is now at 2635 pages, up from yesterdays 2634 for a 1 page increase.
The TOTAL Forum post count is now at 791,377 posts, up from yesterdays 791,282 giving us a 92 post increase.
SO as we continue our upward march to 1,000,000 posts we now find that we need 208,623 more posts to reach out goal. Come on Dan, give us something to get all excited about!
Last edited by SkunkHunter; 09/13/1305:13 AM.
If you’re not Paranoid, You’re not paying attention Be a Sheepdog JYD#105