On this day our resident practitioner of the medical arts, DT, has discovered a new disease. A disease that is the cause of millions of hours of lost sleep and millions on top of millions of lost dollars (to the suffers of this affliction). Yes Dogs, DT, our very own Super Squirrel has discovered "OKD--Obsessive Knife Disorder". Alas there is NO cure, (Much to Dan's delight)only the ability to slow down this disorder.
Now on to other matters.
The Outdoors and Fieldcraft section is now at 27,936 posts, up from yesterdays 27,826 giving us a 10 post increase.
The Knives Forum section is now at 661,441 posts, up from yesterday mornings 661,264 yielding a 177 post increase.
The WZDC page count is now up to 1883 pages an increase of 8 pages.
The TOTAL Website post count is now up to 694,118 posts, up from yesterdays 693,931 for a 187 post increase.
OK then, as we continue up the long and harrowing path to 750,000 posts, we find ourselves still needing 55,882 posts.
Last edited by SkunkHunter; 01/15/1406:39 AM.
If you’re not Paranoid, You’re not paying attention Be a Sheepdog JYD#105