All righty then, on my S6 "Gotta use what ya got" knife I now have a "Mini kit" in the front pouch on the Cordura sheath I found for it.

It houses of course the S6 although I DO wish it had a custom molded kydex liner so it wouldn't rattle at all.

The Pouch now houses:

1. Original leatherman tool.
2. Smith's retractable diamond hone
3. Magnesium rod and a striker
4. I've attached an aluminum capsule filled with PCB impregnated with magnesium shavings to the strap on the pouch. The Ferro rod is a custom build that I got From DT (I also got the magnesium rod from him.

Last edited by SkunkHunter; 06/28/14 06:50 AM.

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