IMO just like there are different blade shapes for doing different jobs, there are different thickness knives for doing different jobs.

I love my DMCG however it is NOT an all around knife, I much prefer my YKCG for that.
My favorite bushcraft knife is still my 80 or so year old marbles woodcraft. It has everything most people doen't want in a bushknife nowadays.
It's carbon steel (relatively soft by todays standards) relatively thin bladed and short with a leather handle and sheath.

For plain come what may having fun I think the DMCG can't be beat (never handled a dogfather though)

Funny I have a fro and in my younger days I used it to cut shakes, funny I never thought of it as a knife with a 90 degree handle before. Makes sense

The stripes of a tiger don't wash away. Be a man of steel not clay JYD #102