If it would be to choose between the smaller Bravo-1 and a Dumpster Mutt, I would choose the Bravo because I don't like the SR-77 on medium-small blades (this is also the reason I don't have a ScrapYard knife yet - because I don't use large blades at this moment).

But between Bravo-2 and SOD my choice would be surely the SOD! SR-77 is suited exactly for this kind of (large) knives. Its design a bit hunchbacked, with a bit wider blade should make it one of the best choppers available and very comfortable for simple cutting. Bravo 2 has a too straight design so that it's not optimized for chopping, even it might be very good for that if the weight is well distributed; but it's not optimized in that regards. I consider chopping maybe the most common use of such a large blade.