I guess, for me, when we are on a knife forum and the topic goes from quality of a knife to quality of a man, it sounds like badmouthing to me. Others may think different. We will have to agree to disagree.

I don't own a Barkriver. I have read much, although not all of that topic from the other forum (its way too long). I don't put too much salt into anything I read on the Web. Too much misinformation and outright BS. Who knows who is really telling the truth. And as I know personally, documents, etc., well, they can be worked over.

Finally, this wasn't meant as a shot at anyone here. I just didn't want to see it evolve into what it has elsewhere. I have lurked around many forums. They all have different personalities, which are a manifestation of the people who frequent that forum. I don't frequent any other forum like I do this one. I check into this forum everyday because I enjoy your all company. I just wanted to help keep it that way.

-Coley Cead Mile Failte