SkunkHunter, that's a totally realistic idea. I belong to a website dedicated to the FAL and this topic is discussed a lot. Many of the guys there have talked about a suppressed semiauto .22 in their BOB's.
I work about 22 miles from home and I'm more worried about getting home than I am bugging out. I'm assuming that I'm going to have to leave my truck and hike home. I've considered an M4gery for a "get my butt home truck gun", a Marlin .30-30, a .22.......I figure an AR or an FAL is gonna attract alot more attention than a .30-30 and if I'm trying to get home, I don't want to attract any attention. I live in rural Western Pennsylvania and I see lots more .30-30's than I do FALs. And the more I think about it, the more I like the idea of a suppressed .22, for all the reasons you stated.

***Proud AIR FORCE dad***