I'm sorry that Our Politicians have made it so difficult for you to visit here. We need to Foster better relationships with our Northern Neighbors, not try and keep you guys out.
December 23, 1986 my wife (girlfriend then) and i went to do some shopping in Bellingham, the border guard said
you cant afford that car (I had been working for over a year at a union job)
8 1/2 hours later they let me leave.
the interior of my car was sitting on parking lot, they wouldn't even lend me a wrench to put my seats back in.
Refused to visit the US again until 7 or 8 years ago when i had to for work

Now there is absolutly NO call for that. Now If they found you were smuggling drugs, I figure OH WELL. BUT if a law abiding citizen (of ANY country) if found clear of drugs like that THEY should either put the vehicle back together, or PAY TO HAVE IT DONE FOR THE OWNER!

A Little Paranoia Will Keep
You Safe (ALPWKYS)

Be a Sheepdog