Question Guyon,
Is the tip of your SAR4 not seem as pointy as ASH, NMSFNO, FBM, or other Busse models? Mine seems to lack a really sharp tip, which I don't really mind, but was just wondering if mine is an anomaly or the norm.

Mine's the same way. It's the convex grind IMO. I have a Becker Magnum Camp with a convex grind that looks very similar. That type of edge doesn't always meet up with as fine a point as a V-grind. It can though. Jeremy Horton put a somewhat "pointier" convex on one of my Meaners, and he noted that Ban puts an even finer tip on his convex edge grinds.

I like the slightly blunter tip on the SAR4 though. I worry less about it when batoning.