Edge holding is very close - I might even give the advantage there to SR101, at least for normal, non-abusive use.

INFI is tougher and has much better stain resistance. It also maintains its toughness at higher hardness values. In order to get a similar level of flexibility while keeping good edge retention, SR101 must be differentially hardened, while INFI can be through-hardened and retain amazing toughness and edge retention.

In my experience, SR-101 is a BIT more likely to chip, where INFI tends to roll, meaning INFI can often be fixed with a steeling and stropping, removing very little steel, while edge damage on SR-101 will require sharpening it out and removing steel.

For MOST practical uses, there is very little difference between the two, apart from stain resistance. The only time you'll REALLY notice a difference is if you're chopping concrete blocks or prying the doors off a Jeep.