I prefer ResC by far on a user but it is not the best looking stuff in the world.
A Custom maker needs to charge about 100$ an hour to make it worth it financially and I could not see it being much less for Dan. I am all for Dan making a few extra bucks on the LE models so he can give a better price on the users. They are going to be at least 400$ on BF so why shouldn't Dan get a bigger percentage than some speculator.

Except Dan isn't about trying to get as much money out of us as he can. His thing is high performance knives at crazy low prices. Who here thought the Dumpster Mutt was going to be $69.95? I was expecting half that again!

I don't know what to really expect, but I think a lot of us will once again be surprised and/or shocked at the price Dan offers the LE at.

Blade '08 - I challenge coined Dan Busse and WON!
Blade '10 - The score is now 2-0!