well.. like bld522 said once (twice, maybe many times!)
the Only person who has the power to Limit flipping is Dan.. by imposing Limits of some kind on Buyers. and nobody can totally Stop it.

But that just means Lots of Extra (police) work for Dan!.. at same (or less) money!

and honestly, Dan is prolly Elated that they sell so fast! he doesn't have to inventory lots of stock!
..but he'd rather be Grinding more knives and Drinking!

So the onus to stop flippers falls on Us then! i guess we can try to ostracize flippers, expose them.. they'll try selling on other forums, e-prey, etc.
..but we'd rather be Using our knives and Drinking!

JYD #5 "If you don't buy one now, you'll just kick yourself later.." -Karnack