Can't say I'd agree with that statement. Have you tried the new HRLM? It's seriously a lot more knife than the original HRs. The new handle makes a bigger difference than you would expect.
That's not the point, Kraz. How much does a HRLM with micarta handles cost compared to a Dumpster Mutt with Res-C handles or a Scrapper 6 with Res-C handles? And would you consider the HRLM to be a lot more knife for the money than either of those?

I'm comparing like blades to like blades from the same manufacturer. I think Tony or Andy calculated a $30 price increase from the HR to the HRLM? If the first knife was great at its original price and the second knife is even better then the only question is it $30 better. And, IMO, I believe the answer is yes.

I don't measure the goodness of the knife solely by the amount of steel in the blade. Certainly the blade length, width and thickness are factors in choosing a knife. However, if you have a specific application for the knife you'll find the handle ergnomics matter too. IMO, the DM with the micarta handles would be an incrementally "better" knife from an ergonomics standpoint and worth paying more money for. You can always improve things a little more but it always costs extra to do so. To say so is not a complaint against Scrapyard knives.

I would buy a Swamp Rat Dumpster Mutt with micarta handles if such a hybrid ever existed.

F5 like you mean it! JYD #15