And I replied to you 2 pages back when you first posed this question.

It all comes down to that I hate the People that buy 10+ copies of a blade in order to flip it right away for a profit to the same people they call "friend"......"Oh you missed out on it...well I happen to have a spare and you can have it for $90 for than I paid 2 days ago!" I feel Dan should o get in on this and charge a bit more. Buying extras isn't the problem.....I know a few folks do this to help cover the people who are at work or away while the knives are released and then offer them at a minimal markup....5 plus shipping.

Just because people are willing to pay it doesn't make it a good idea. If people want to play these games they should play the stock market.

My tip wouldn't cover what I think he deserves. Not only for creating affordable knives for those quick enough to get them while he has them to offer, but for creating this great forum, and when I see people charging outragous fees for knives that are still in the cardboard sheath, I feel Dan should get a bit more....I know running this place isn't free, maybe he could give a bonus to his employees or start making some of that Gear we all want......if he would charge more these things may be possible....we all know his blades will sell for whatever price these scoundrels place on them.

EMail if you have a spare 460!!!! JYD# 2