Running behind this morning, so where we go!

The outdoors and Fieldcraft half of the site is now at 20,110 up from 20,072 for a 38 post increase.

The Knives forum side is now at 453,258 posts up from 453,058 for a 200 post increase.

The ZDC page count is now at 1335 pages up from 1328 yesterday morning for a 7 page increase.

The TOTAL post count for the website is now at 477,821 posts up from 477,584 for an increase of 237 posts!

Ok in our forward march toward 500,000 posts we now need 22,179 posts.

Yesterday saw the birth of Architect's BOB thread. If you haven't checked it out, you NEED TO DO SO. It is THAT good!

Last edited by SkunkHunter; 03/12/11 01:11 PM.

A Little Paranoia Will Keep
You Safe (ALPWKYS)

Be a Sheepdog