WELCOME TO BLADE 2011! A lot was learned yesterday and a lot more questions were given birth to. Only time will be able to answer the questions as to new models/specs and when they will actually be coming out.

So On with the stats on this the beginning of the second day of Blade 2011.

The Outdoors and fieldcraft section is at 21,644 up 3 posts from yesterdays 21,641.

The Knives Forum section is at 484,628 up 349 posts from yesterdays 484,279.

The ZDC page count is now at 2362, up 11 pages from yesterdays 2351.

The TOTAL post count for the website is now up to 510,778 up 352 posts from yesterdays 510,426.

Ok using this set of numbers and taking it from 750K we are left with 239,222 posts to get by June roughly the middle of June 2012.

Hey Blade is here for another two days and TEMPORARILY all is well in Busseland! Stand by for more from the Geniuses of Wauseon! All I gotta say is that Swamp water must be some good stuff!

Last edited by SkunkHunter; 06/11/11 10:18 AM.