Ok, on this the start of another work week for me I bring to you, after great and arduous painstaking ciphering, the daily statistical update.

The Outdoor and Field craft section is now up to 22,617 up from 22,591 for an increase of 26 posts.

The Knife Forums section is now up to 500,430 up from 500,040 for an increase of 390 posts.

The ZDC page count is now up to 2842 up from 2832 for a 10 page increase.

OK, the TOTAL Website post count is now up to 527,587 up from 527,172 for an increase of 415 posts.

Ok that means we need to get 222,413 posts by June 8th 2012, the opening day of blade next year. The number keeps getting smaller, but the question is will it get small enough to give us our 750,000 posts by then?

A Little Paranoia Will Keep
You Safe (ALPWKYS)

Be a Sheepdog