Well for the 300,000 post Dan made a patch and GAVE to all the dogs that had at least 300 posts.(this was in 2009) Those that had made JYD got a different colored patch. So we just thought we would try and give Dan bragging rights. We set a goal of 500,000 posts by blade 2011, a goal that we surpassed. Then someone suggested 750,000 posts by blade 2012, just for because. Nothing more to it really than that.

This is a relatively new company (especially the website) so we are just trying to show our support for Dan.

Anybody else got any words on this, PLEASE post them up.

Last edited by SkunkHunter; 08/25/11 12:11 PM.

A Little Paranoia Will Keep
You Safe (ALPWKYS)

Be a Sheepdog