Ok, two days after, and we're STILL doing pretty good! So on with the numbers!

The outdoors and fieldcraft section is now at 21,255 up from 21,239 for a 16 post increase.

The Knives forum side has now gotten up to 475,286 from yesterdays 474,766 which gives us a 520 post increase for the day.

The ZDC which yesterday had 2088 pages has now gone up to 2102 for a 14 page increase over the last 24 hours.

The total Website post count is now setting at 501,027 for an overall increase of 527 over yesterdays 500,500.

Ok, now that we have hit, yes even surpassed our 500 Thousand post goal almost a month ahead of time, I don't know what goal we have now. So I guess we'll just wait for Dan's new blade to come out for our insatiable appetites.

Last edited by SkunkHunter; 05/13/11 10:12 AM.

A Little Paranoia Will Keep
You Safe (ALPWKYS)

Be a Sheepdog