I haven't had a chance to bring a camera on any training evolutions, but I did get a chance to run the "Sandy Ridge Line" today in prep for the run this coming Friday. I added a pack for weight even though we won't be running with packs Friday.

Here is a view from above the combat training center.
[Linked Image from i1008.photobucket.com]

This is the opposite side of the ridge line. You can see the combat village we will be doing force on force with SESAM rounds in a few weeks. SESAM rounds are fired from M16s and M4s with special 9mmm bore upper receivers. They fire ballistic rounds with a hard paint pellet bullet.
[Linked Image from i1008.photobucket.com]

This is south of the combat town where we will be doing some land nav courses.
[Linked Image from i1008.photobucket.com]

Here is another view of 29 Palms.
[Linked Image from i1008.photobucket.com]

The ground out here is riddled with blanks and spent rounds.
[Linked Image from i1008.photobucket.com]

This looks like a tank round buried in the ground. The stamp, which is not normally on the round, leads me to believe this was put here in 64.
[Linked Image from i1008.photobucket.com]

On a funny note. We were sitting in the squad bay a few hours ago and heard what sounded like an ice cream truck. Out of curiosity, I poked my head out the door. Yes, it was an ice cream truck. It stopped near a few M1 Abrams tanks and AAVs (amphibious assault vehicle). The crews of these machines were covered in sand and muck lined up to buy Push Ups and Bomb Pops. Very surreal.