I aced my call for fire virtual simulation today and plan to do the same with the real deal in a week or so.

It is getting serious here. Today's PT session was a 7 mile run in boots and utes (utes is short for utilities, what we call the camo uniform slacks) with light 20 lb packs that felt like 100 lbs after 5 miles. This run was from the bottom of base (it is on the side of a small mountain ridge) to the top and then across the ridge ridge line then back down. You can see the trail we ran in this image I took a few weeks ago.

[Linked Image from i1008.photobucket.com]

It was a Popsicle-stick run. The Marine at finish line handed out popsiclesticks with numbers on them. First place got a stick with 1 on it and so on ... They add all the numbers up then divide them by the number of Marines in the platoon. The lowest result wins the PT competition. It is one of many physical competition among the platoons. It goes toward "honor platoon" awards at the end. I came in 12 out of 60 something sergeants. We get the results for the platoons tomorrow.