Well, we got released early for the weekend and I plan to relax and let my bones heal. I can see beer and pro bowl in my future.

Today we spent a few hours on computer simulators for call for fire. We used three different methods; grid, polar and shift. Grid method is when you locate the target on a map and send in grid coordinates. Polar is when you locate yourself using a GPS and send in your coordinates and the azimuth toward the target and the guesstimated distance. Shift is used for the previous two methods to "walk" the rounds onto the target. That is the dumbed down version of it. We get to call in actual artillery rounds on the ranges in a week. I am going to blow some &%$# up!!!

There are quite a few black belt instructor trainers attending the course, and against our better judgement we have decided to spend an hour after class each day training in MCMAP (Marine Corps Mixed Martial Arts). MCMAP was developed by UFC champs like Randy Couture and modified with experienced combat vets with artial arts training to integrate weapons like rifles, knives and weapons of opportunity. This is the end of the first week of MCMAP training and my body can feel the extra strain from being thrown around added to class PT. I will stick it out though and get my green belt before returning to my command.

We learned that we are the first class in the entire Corps to go through the newest curriculum. This came up when a student asked our director why we haven't done any drill besides forming for PT. The powers above decided to do away with a majority of the ceremonial stuff and make this course more physically demanding and focus on combat a lot more. The director said this is the highest attrition rate he has seen this early in a course. He was happy about it because the Corps is downsizing and this is a great way to prevent the weak from having this course on his official record, which helps for promotion. If you are not promoted past SGT by year ten, you will get orders to report from whatever division you are in to 1st Civ. Div(1st Civilian Division).

I'll sign off with the Marine Corps NCO (Noncommissioned Officer) Creed

"I am an NCO dedicated to training new Marines and influencing the old. I am forever conscious of each Marine under my charge and by example will inspire them to the highest standards possible. I will strive to be patient, understanding, just and firm. I will commend the deserving and encourage the wayward.

I will never forget that I am responsible to my commanding officer for the morale, discipline and efficiency of my Marines, and their performance will reflect an image of me."