We had a few lame classes this morning and then went straight to the desert hills for a competition among the platoons.

It was a resupply run. Each platoon (each varies from 15 to 17 Marines) had five 5 gallon jugs full of water, five ammo cans (30 lbs a piece) and and a stretcher. We started off into the hills for a 6 miles race. Everything was going fine for the first half mile. Then we found out what the stretcher was for - the biggest guy stepped on an IED. Yeah, they failed to tell us about that. Now the stretcher weighed 235 lbs. A near sprint turned into a slow jog as we had to stay in a group. Long story short, we finished in about 2 hours and got second place.

We were released for the day after that and after refueling with grub and lots of water (it was in the 80s today), the me and the rest of the MMA group went to the gym and used the padded room for 2 hours of ground fighting. Being the smallest guy, I had to fight way outside of my weight class the entire time.

So, as the pattern that has developed here continues, I am tired, but there is a new development today - I'm sore.