During this past week, we've had a birth(a real one!) and a S&P!

First up, Jace Weldon Little became the newest Puppy of the pack. Born at 0531am on the 25 to our very own Sumo275. Congratulations folks. Y'all done good. Momma, Baby and Dad are all doing well.

We had our first Sip & Talk of 2013 and it ended with 26 pages of fun, vacations remembered and a little talk about knives. Everyone that was there had a good time.

OK, on with the stats. ** Remember these stats are since LAST Sunday.

The Outdoors and Fieldcraft section is now at 27,597 posts, up from the last updates 27,551 giving us a 46 post increase.

The Knives Forum section is now at 651,081 posts, up from the last update of 648,876 giving us a 2205 post increase.

The Walking Zombie Death Chat is now at 1622 pages, up from last Sundays 1585 which gives us a 37 page increase.

The TOTAL Website post count is now at 683,410 posts, up from Last Sundays 681,157 giving us a 2253 post increase.

OK so now we find that to reach 750,000 posts we need to get another 66,590 posts. That's a good number, but it needs to get smaller. Post on Dogs!

Last edited by SkunkHunter; 01/27/13 12:56 PM.

If you’re not Paranoid, You’re
not paying attention

Be a Sheepdog